
Nov 14, 2009

The End is Nigh!

So, I went and saw the movie 2012 the other night.  I wasn't expecting a great deal from it and I am not what you would call a John Cusack fan, so I went into the movie with a fairly open mind.  And while I wasn't disappointed, I wasn't 'wowed' either.

The concept and story are those of your classic end-of-the-world disaster film.  Humans discovered the world is going to end, find out they have less time then they thought, world starts to go belly up and everyone makes a mad dash for what little safety there may be.  Some people show themselves to be selfish and, typically, end up dieing in the long run, and others show how selfless the human race is capable of being and, unsurprisingly, are the most likely to live. 

The visual effects were very well done, the scenes very eye catching and able to keep you entertained.  There were instances where you KNEW something just wasn't physically possible of happening but that was put mentally put aside for the sake of entertaining mayhem and explosions.  As it was an Apocalypse film, you of course had your prerequisite of the crazy conspiracy guy who knows about everything that's going on  In this movie, that was played by Woody Harrelson, and he actually kind of steals the show when he's on screen.  John Cussack does well as the ever reluctant hero, the every man forced into situations know one could predict and managing to get through alright.  His only thought, to try and save his family, of course.   I was somewhat surprised by his ability to hold his own against a rather stellar cast as his strength is more light romantic comedies than action and adventure films.

Another stand out performance, btw, was Chiwetel Ejiofor as Dr. Adrian Helmsley.  I know Chiwetel best for his outstanding role in the film Kinky Boots but every time I see him, I am again impressed by his acting and his presence on film.  I look forward to more work from him, since he seems to be getting better and large roles as time goes on.  To anyone that hasn't seen the movie Kinky Boots, btw, I HIGHLY recommend you go and rent it.  Still one of my favorite films.

In all, not a bad film.  Entertaining, which is really all a flick needs to be in the long run.  Worth seeing in the cinema because the effects look better on the big screen but if you can get a cheap night, go for it.  Someone on Twitter asked me for a 0-10 rating and I said 7.  The production value is really very high but there are parts that tend to drag out just a little too much for my liking.  It gets to the point where you just want them to get on with it already.

Not sure what the next flick will be that I see but there are tons about to come out and I will be sure to post an opinion on here is I get the chance.  Let me know if there's one in particular you'd like some thoughts on!