
Jun 7, 2010

Mass Movie Reviews – The Losers

The next film on the list definitely went a different direction.

Simply called The Losers, this is a story based on a series of recent comic books...that were based on a series of OLD comic books! It involves a special ops team, five men of very different and very specialized skills, who have been betrayed by their handler, Max, while in Bolivia on a mission. Clay (Jeffery Dean Morgan) is the leader of the team and the man with the plans, Roque (Idris Elba) his ruthless second in command, Jensen (Chris Evans) is the techie and computer geek, Pooch (Columbus Short) the laid back pilot with a touch for anything that moves and Cougar (Oscar Jaenada) the sniper in a cowboy hat.

They are believed to be dead after the mission blows up in their faces and they go into hiding, but the thought of getting home, and getting revenge, is never far from their minds. They are given the chance at both when a strange woman named Aisha (Zoe Saldana) shows up and says she can, essentially, hand them Max on a silver platter. Of course, things don't go quite according to plan and no one is ever exactly who they seem.

Someone going into this film expecting a serious film is going to be really disappointed. It's comic book fights mixed with comic book humor and cheesy one liners delivered by a series of somewhat kooky characters. But it's a really fun film and completely entertaining if you don't go in with any expectations besides looking for entertainment and some laughs. Yes, you can very easily draw some major similarities between this and the upcoming A-Team remake but it also has a lot of differences and is still a good film to watch. Actually, anyone who is a fan of the A-Team, or humorous action films in general, should really get a kick out of this. Personally, I'm going to add it to my DVD collection.

One word of caution...I hope you like the song 'Don't Stop Believing' by Journey because it's fairly major in the soundtrack and you WILL come out of the cinema with this lovely little earworm firmly lodged in your brain. :)

The Losers

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