To most people, getting a hair cut is really no big deal. In fact, it's a regular occurrence. A trim, a change of style, a fresh look...all normal and everyday.
For me, the thought of an accidental hair cut used to be nightmare inducing. It sounds ridiculous and pathetic, I know, but I had invested a great deal of time and love into my hair. Allow me to explain.
Up until the age of 12, I always had very short hair, for a variety of reasons including sports and my mother. However, the last major hair cut I had was when I was 12 and I chopped it back to a cute pixie cut. After that, I personally took control of my hair and decided I was growing it out. I had always dreamed of having long hair so now it was time to make it happen.
When I started, there wasn't really a plan other than to grow it out but the scheme soon became that I would grow my hair to my knees...if I could. Not everyone can grow hair that long because of genetics or whatever. Seems I could, though, because it hit knee length a few years ago and I kept it there. So you can see what I mean by the amount of time invested.
I had done what I set out to do and I enjoyed the attention and notoriety it gave me. Eventually, though, I found myself beginning to get frustrated with it. I didn't wear it down much, because it got caught on things and was physically longer than most skirts I owned. I began talking of cutting it a bit, make it healthier and easier to handle. It took a long time to actually happen though because I had to face my haircut issue and what people would think, would I miss it or the attention it attracted? Would I regret it as soon as it was done?
I finally cut close to 12 inches off of it in September 08 when I was home visiting family. I got pics of it at full length, first, and all through the actual cutting stage. Kept the hair cut off! Afterward...I was glad I did it! It felt good, lighter, clean ends and it WAS easier to deal with! What a relief.
Now, nearly a year and a half later, I found myself thinking along the same lines again. It had grown about 3-4 inches in the time and felt unwieldy again. Plus, I saw a video of myself from the back. Never realized until then how ODD having a braid that long could actually look. So the process began again, the contemplation, the opinion seeking and the second guessing. Until tonight.
A couple hours ago, without fan fair or record, I marked the new length I wanted, tied it off and then had M take the scissors to it. Gone, in seconds! Just 9 slices of the shears and it was off. I laughed right after...part adrenaline, part shock and disbelief. Was I going to panic? Was the regret going to set in?
Have washed my hair, brushed it out and admired the new length. And I have decided I like it! It feels SO good and clean and light! I can wear a normal ponytail for the first time in YEARS! Waist length is where I will keep it from now on...long enough to be unusual and do things with it, but short enough to easily look after.
I'm happy and no longer dread having to consider going to the hairdresser's for a trim. Why didn't I do this sooner? :)
Dec 22, 2009
Dec 8, 2009
I Fear For The Future!
Okay, maybe the title is a TAD dramatic but you'll understand what I mean in a minute.
I just got through flipping through the latest Shop Til You Drop magazine that I picked up with the groceries this evening. Now, it's not a high fashion magazine but it's usually a good one to look through to get a run down of current trends, places to look for neat bits and pieces, how to put certain outfits together and sometimes a different point of view on the fashion industry. It's an overall okay mag for someone with a limited amount of time.
So, I decided to give the current one a quick flip through, to see what catches my eye in case I want a new outfit for the upcoming Christmas parties, or just because, and was horrified by what I found. Yes, horrified, terrified and wanting to stick my head under a pillow and forget...pretend it was all a bad dream.
I weep for anyone trying to buy clothes for the next season, for those that decide they love the new trends and hop on board this particular fashion train because it's really nothing but the worst kind of TRAIN WRECK. The styles are pulling up some of the WORST trends of the 80's and combining them with the most ludicrous colors and stylings. The only people who MIGHT (and that is a big maybe) be able to pull these looks off are stick thin Glamazons with more money than Gates and who probably belong on the catwalks themselves.
I mean, seriously? Poofy but structured Tulip skirts (which we all know were really a bubble skirt in it's past life) and floppy wannabe blazers with scalloped edges? The ruffle trend could be fun if done right but most of the dresses I saw had strategically places ruffles intended to draw the eye to the parts of the body most normally built females would really prefer to pretend don't exist. And high waisted short shorts? Did somebody forget that shorts aren't the most flattering garements to begin with? Pulling the waist up to your bra strap and cutting the legs off at your groin REALLY isn't going to help any. *headdesk*
I have a funny feeling I'm going to be relying on my in-closet staples spread out with very selective online purchases from places where sanity still reigns and combining that with garments coming from my very own sewing machine. You know, ones that fit and flatter me rather than make me look like a balloon float that got lost on it's way to the Macy's Parade. *rolls eyes*
Oh yes, and then there is the final thing. You know how 'they' like to say Green is the new Black and all that crud? The color of the season, for both garments and orange. Ranging from peach to pumpkin, it's the trendy color. And it makes my want to vomit. One of the hardest colors to match to most people, it's also just plain hideous under normal circumstances unless you're going to a Halloween party. Does that sound a bit too narky? I know I really hate the color, personally, but come on! It's ORANGE! McDonald's uses orange in everything they make because it's supposedly the most psychologically neutral color and one that spans all socio-economic groups. It does that because everyone agrees it's a gross color!!
Alright, rant over. I'm going to go through my fabric and pattern stashes and decide what I'M going to be wearing for the next 6 months because I get the feeling that I really won't be buying anything new anytime soon.
X-posting to LJ
I just got through flipping through the latest Shop Til You Drop magazine that I picked up with the groceries this evening. Now, it's not a high fashion magazine but it's usually a good one to look through to get a run down of current trends, places to look for neat bits and pieces, how to put certain outfits together and sometimes a different point of view on the fashion industry. It's an overall okay mag for someone with a limited amount of time.
So, I decided to give the current one a quick flip through, to see what catches my eye in case I want a new outfit for the upcoming Christmas parties, or just because, and was horrified by what I found. Yes, horrified, terrified and wanting to stick my head under a pillow and forget...pretend it was all a bad dream.
I weep for anyone trying to buy clothes for the next season, for those that decide they love the new trends and hop on board this particular fashion train because it's really nothing but the worst kind of TRAIN WRECK. The styles are pulling up some of the WORST trends of the 80's and combining them with the most ludicrous colors and stylings. The only people who MIGHT (and that is a big maybe) be able to pull these looks off are stick thin Glamazons with more money than Gates and who probably belong on the catwalks themselves.
I mean, seriously? Poofy but structured Tulip skirts (which we all know were really a bubble skirt in it's past life) and floppy wannabe blazers with scalloped edges? The ruffle trend could be fun if done right but most of the dresses I saw had strategically places ruffles intended to draw the eye to the parts of the body most normally built females would really prefer to pretend don't exist. And high waisted short shorts? Did somebody forget that shorts aren't the most flattering garements to begin with? Pulling the waist up to your bra strap and cutting the legs off at your groin REALLY isn't going to help any. *headdesk*
I have a funny feeling I'm going to be relying on my in-closet staples spread out with very selective online purchases from places where sanity still reigns and combining that with garments coming from my very own sewing machine. You know, ones that fit and flatter me rather than make me look like a balloon float that got lost on it's way to the Macy's Parade. *rolls eyes*
Oh yes, and then there is the final thing. You know how 'they' like to say Green is the new Black and all that crud? The color of the season, for both garments and orange. Ranging from peach to pumpkin, it's the trendy color. And it makes my want to vomit. One of the hardest colors to match to most people, it's also just plain hideous under normal circumstances unless you're going to a Halloween party. Does that sound a bit too narky? I know I really hate the color, personally, but come on! It's ORANGE! McDonald's uses orange in everything they make because it's supposedly the most psychologically neutral color and one that spans all socio-economic groups. It does that because everyone agrees it's a gross color!!
Alright, rant over. I'm going to go through my fabric and pattern stashes and decide what I'M going to be wearing for the next 6 months because I get the feeling that I really won't be buying anything new anytime soon.
X-posting to LJ
Nov 14, 2009
The End is Nigh!
So, I went and saw the movie 2012 the other night. I wasn't expecting a great deal from it and I am not what you would call a John Cusack fan, so I went into the movie with a fairly open mind. And while I wasn't disappointed, I wasn't 'wowed' either.
The concept and story are those of your classic end-of-the-world disaster film. Humans discovered the world is going to end, find out they have less time then they thought, world starts to go belly up and everyone makes a mad dash for what little safety there may be. Some people show themselves to be selfish and, typically, end up dieing in the long run, and others show how selfless the human race is capable of being and, unsurprisingly, are the most likely to live.
The visual effects were very well done, the scenes very eye catching and able to keep you entertained. There were instances where you KNEW something just wasn't physically possible of happening but that was put mentally put aside for the sake of entertaining mayhem and explosions. As it was an Apocalypse film, you of course had your prerequisite of the crazy conspiracy guy who knows about everything that's going on In this movie, that was played by Woody Harrelson, and he actually kind of steals the show when he's on screen. John Cussack does well as the ever reluctant hero, the every man forced into situations know one could predict and managing to get through alright. His only thought, to try and save his family, of course. I was somewhat surprised by his ability to hold his own against a rather stellar cast as his strength is more light romantic comedies than action and adventure films.
Another stand out performance, btw, was Chiwetel Ejiofor as Dr. Adrian Helmsley. I know Chiwetel best for his outstanding role in the film Kinky Boots but every time I see him, I am again impressed by his acting and his presence on film. I look forward to more work from him, since he seems to be getting better and large roles as time goes on. To anyone that hasn't seen the movie Kinky Boots, btw, I HIGHLY recommend you go and rent it. Still one of my favorite films.
In all, not a bad film. Entertaining, which is really all a flick needs to be in the long run. Worth seeing in the cinema because the effects look better on the big screen but if you can get a cheap night, go for it. Someone on Twitter asked me for a 0-10 rating and I said 7. The production value is really very high but there are parts that tend to drag out just a little too much for my liking. It gets to the point where you just want them to get on with it already.
Not sure what the next flick will be that I see but there are tons about to come out and I will be sure to post an opinion on here is I get the chance. Let me know if there's one in particular you'd like some thoughts on!

The concept and story are those of your classic end-of-the-world disaster film. Humans discovered the world is going to end, find out they have less time then they thought, world starts to go belly up and everyone makes a mad dash for what little safety there may be. Some people show themselves to be selfish and, typically, end up dieing in the long run, and others show how selfless the human race is capable of being and, unsurprisingly, are the most likely to live.
The visual effects were very well done, the scenes very eye catching and able to keep you entertained. There were instances where you KNEW something just wasn't physically possible of happening but that was put mentally put aside for the sake of entertaining mayhem and explosions. As it was an Apocalypse film, you of course had your prerequisite of the crazy conspiracy guy who knows about everything that's going on In this movie, that was played by Woody Harrelson, and he actually kind of steals the show when he's on screen. John Cussack does well as the ever reluctant hero, the every man forced into situations know one could predict and managing to get through alright. His only thought, to try and save his family, of course. I was somewhat surprised by his ability to hold his own against a rather stellar cast as his strength is more light romantic comedies than action and adventure films.
Another stand out performance, btw, was Chiwetel Ejiofor as Dr. Adrian Helmsley. I know Chiwetel best for his outstanding role in the film Kinky Boots but every time I see him, I am again impressed by his acting and his presence on film. I look forward to more work from him, since he seems to be getting better and large roles as time goes on. To anyone that hasn't seen the movie Kinky Boots, btw, I HIGHLY recommend you go and rent it. Still one of my favorite films.
In all, not a bad film. Entertaining, which is really all a flick needs to be in the long run. Worth seeing in the cinema because the effects look better on the big screen but if you can get a cheap night, go for it. Someone on Twitter asked me for a 0-10 rating and I said 7. The production value is really very high but there are parts that tend to drag out just a little too much for my liking. It gets to the point where you just want them to get on with it already.
Not sure what the next flick will be that I see but there are tons about to come out and I will be sure to post an opinion on here is I get the chance. Let me know if there's one in particular you'd like some thoughts on!
Oct 16, 2009
Book Review - To Light A Candle
As I said I would do, I'm x-posting some of my old Book Reviews from Myspace to here. This was originally written in February of 2007.
To Light A Candle by Mercedes Lackey & James Mallory
The second book in the Obsidian Trilogy, I'm currently rereading it and enjoying it as much as I did the first time. It has Mercedes Lackey's usual well developed characters, a story that draws you in quite quickly and takes traditional Fantasy faves like Elves and Dragons and gives them their own small spin. It also looks at magic in different ways while keeping everything nice and cohesive.
This book contains your usual main Fantasy ingredient, the battle between good and evil, coupled with a young man's journey to adulthood while dealing with the relationships of the people around him and the effect war has on them. Like so much that Mercedes writes, though, she manages to take what may seem familiar and make it new and interesting for the reader.
I'm normally quite a Mercedes fan but even putting aside that slight bias, I have to say that this is a good book and an enjoyable series. I'm looking forward to the next book, When Darkness Falls as soon as I can hunt it down. The books themselves are thicker than her normal size so the story lasts longer and gives you a longer read to enjoy. The first book of the series is called The Outstretched Shadow for those thinking to read this series. I recommend it.
Having completed this entire series since writing this review, I can happily say that the whole trilogy is worth a read. The climatic end battle between Good and Evil has some beautiful visuals, great use of the traditional creature characters such as Elves, Dragons, Unicorns and Wizards and some unexpected moments that keep you on your toes. It is a thoroughly enjoyable read that should fit well with lovers of traditional and epic fantasy elements. Where the book I previously reviewed, The Shadow Queen, has a darker, more complicated and more centralized story, this series has a much grander scope and softer writing style that makes it an easier read while still being a very enjoyable story.
To Light A Candle by Mercedes Lackey & James Mallory
The second book in the Obsidian Trilogy, I'm currently rereading it and enjoying it as much as I did the first time. It has Mercedes Lackey's usual well developed characters, a story that draws you in quite quickly and takes traditional Fantasy faves like Elves and Dragons and gives them their own small spin. It also looks at magic in different ways while keeping everything nice and cohesive.
This book contains your usual main Fantasy ingredient, the battle between good and evil, coupled with a young man's journey to adulthood while dealing with the relationships of the people around him and the effect war has on them. Like so much that Mercedes writes, though, she manages to take what may seem familiar and make it new and interesting for the reader.
I'm normally quite a Mercedes fan but even putting aside that slight bias, I have to say that this is a good book and an enjoyable series. I'm looking forward to the next book, When Darkness Falls as soon as I can hunt it down. The books themselves are thicker than her normal size so the story lasts longer and gives you a longer read to enjoy. The first book of the series is called The Outstretched Shadow for those thinking to read this series. I recommend it.
Having completed this entire series since writing this review, I can happily say that the whole trilogy is worth a read. The climatic end battle between Good and Evil has some beautiful visuals, great use of the traditional creature characters such as Elves, Dragons, Unicorns and Wizards and some unexpected moments that keep you on your toes. It is a thoroughly enjoyable read that should fit well with lovers of traditional and epic fantasy elements. Where the book I previously reviewed, The Shadow Queen, has a darker, more complicated and more centralized story, this series has a much grander scope and softer writing style that makes it an easier read while still being a very enjoyable story.
Oct 13, 2009
Book Review - The Shadow Queen
At one time, I used Myspace on a somewhat regular basis and posted blogs and comments as the whim took me. Along with these were review on books I read, since I tend to read a great deal. I've decided to start doing those again, here instead of on Myspace since it sits unused these days, and I will probably look at transferring some of those previous writings here.
I guess that, besides just wanting to share the enjoyment of a book, I hope sometimes that the reviews will help others find new stories and authors and their own enjoyment of them.
Now, that being said, I just completed a new book from one of my favorite authors.
In her initial series, known as The Black Jewels trilogy, Anne Bishop created a deeply fascinating world where power, good or bad, is classified by darkness instead of light, where those with Power are wrapped in a heavily detail dance of caste and Protocol and they are meant to be care takers of the land and all those that live in it. Of course, sometimes things go wrong and what was once good is corrupted and tainted by those wishing to warp it for their own pleasure.
That series details the hope for things to be cleansed and put right. The book I just finished, The Shadow Queen, takes place two years after the events of the first series and shows the effects and how people react. Left to pick up the pieces of their world, the people of a Territory called Dena Nehele have to rebuild their lives and make choices they haven't been given in many, many generations. And they need a leader, a Queen who is strong and just and cares about the land and its people, who can help lead them back to a better time.
As beautifully written as her others books, The Shadow Queen was difficult to put down. While many of the favorite characters from the trilogy were very present, they were not the main focus but the story was just as captivating. Also, this book works incredibly well because it ties in with another book written as a prequel to the trilogy, The Invisible Ring, and shows what has become of the land and the descendants of those depicted in THAT book.
Everything ties together so beautifully and the whole series is very much worth a read. This book just adds another beautifully written piece to an already amazing story puzzle.
As a final word, I would say have a look at the other books that this author has written as well. Her House of Gaian trilogy and Landscapes of Ephemera duology are just as amazing. I really can't say enough good about her and I look forward to more books from Anne Bishop; she can't put them out fast enough for my liking!
I guess that, besides just wanting to share the enjoyment of a book, I hope sometimes that the reviews will help others find new stories and authors and their own enjoyment of them.
Now, that being said, I just completed a new book from one of my favorite authors.
In her initial series, known as The Black Jewels trilogy, Anne Bishop created a deeply fascinating world where power, good or bad, is classified by darkness instead of light, where those with Power are wrapped in a heavily detail dance of caste and Protocol and they are meant to be care takers of the land and all those that live in it. Of course, sometimes things go wrong and what was once good is corrupted and tainted by those wishing to warp it for their own pleasure.
That series details the hope for things to be cleansed and put right. The book I just finished, The Shadow Queen, takes place two years after the events of the first series and shows the effects and how people react. Left to pick up the pieces of their world, the people of a Territory called Dena Nehele have to rebuild their lives and make choices they haven't been given in many, many generations. And they need a leader, a Queen who is strong and just and cares about the land and its people, who can help lead them back to a better time.
As beautifully written as her others books, The Shadow Queen was difficult to put down. While many of the favorite characters from the trilogy were very present, they were not the main focus but the story was just as captivating. Also, this book works incredibly well because it ties in with another book written as a prequel to the trilogy, The Invisible Ring, and shows what has become of the land and the descendants of those depicted in THAT book.
Everything ties together so beautifully and the whole series is very much worth a read. This book just adds another beautifully written piece to an already amazing story puzzle.
As a final word, I would say have a look at the other books that this author has written as well. Her House of Gaian trilogy and Landscapes of Ephemera duology are just as amazing. I really can't say enough good about her and I look forward to more books from Anne Bishop; she can't put them out fast enough for my liking!
Oct 9, 2009
Updates & Reviews - How To Be Hero!
Wow, just realized it's been nearly a month since I have updated this. It's been a weird but busy month, I have to say. There's been a few things of note but not sure what all I'm going to mention here...think I might keep this short or just move onto some reviews I need to do. Yah, reviews sound pretty good!
A couple weeks back, I had some friends over for a movie night and we watched a selection of fun and somewhat quirky films. Among the selection were the independent film Ten Inch Hero and an odd family flick from the early 90's known as Airborne.
Now, I watched Airborne when I was just a kid in school and I loved it. It was funny, it was light hearted and it's heavily based around hockey and rollerblading...two things I love. The last 15 - 20 minutes of the film is taken up with a hardcore downhill rollerblade race between two rival teams and is probably the most entertaining part of the film to watch.
The star of the film is Shane McDermott as the teen Californian surfie, Mitchell Goosen, forced to spend 6 months in Cincinnati, Ohio with his aunt, uncle and cousin Wiley...a very dorky cousin played by a very young Seth Green. Going from sunny California to snow-locked Cincinnati is hard to begin with but he also ends up on the wrong side of the local jocks (including one named Augie, played by Jack Black) who decide to make Mitchell's life a living hell. The only thing that ends up making life a little easier for him is meeting a girl from school, Nikki. That is, until he finds out she's the sister of the head jock/meat head making his life hell.
Mitchell has to win back the girl after some stupid things said, survive his new high school, help out his dorky cousin and try to get on the good side of the jocks who hate him. Antics ensue but it all turns out in the end when the two teams go head to head on 'The Devil's Backbone' race and the jocks ask Mitchell to skate with them.
It's pretty schlocky and coated with a thick layer of 'cheese' but it's cute and fun at the same time. VERY 90's teen film. As I said, best part of the film is the race at the end, especially since all the stunts and blading effects were done by Team Rollerblade. Good film to get if you need a filler rental with some cheesy laughs and the chance to see now famous actors looking painfully young.

And then there's Ten Inch Hero.
Originally created as an independent film and never given a cinema release, this quiet little flick has a huge cult-like following and has now made it's way onto dvd release. Something well deserved because this is a well written, interesting film that seems to appeal to just about everybody.
Taking place in Santa Cruz, CA and centering around a quirky little sandwich shop, the story brings together a diverse group of interesting characters who, you eventually realize, all have a some sort of problem regarding image and perception of people. It has a lot of elements that one would find in a 'chick-flick' but the humor laced through the whole plot, and the way the different characters interact, make it a much more interesting and well rounded film.
The main plot is driven from the POV of Piper, a young woman who moves to Santa Cruz to be closer to a young girl she thinks might be the daughter she gave away for adoption. She gets a job at the sandwich shop where she meets quiet and unassuming Jen (Clea Duvall), sexy and vivacious Tish (Danneel Harris), mohawked and unorthodox Priestly (Jensen Ackles) and the mellow hippie Trucker (John Doe) who owns the shop and is secretly in love with Zo (Alice Krige). The young girl's father, Noah is played by Sean Patrick Flanery.
Friendships are made, secrets are revealed and, through it all, Priestly's mohawk color changes as often as the wacky shirts he wears. I really do recommend this as a must watch, though it may not be a film for a younger audience as there are some sexual scenes and rough language.
As a last note, I'll point out that those I have shown this film to...all with a rather wide range of movie tastes...have all said that it is one that would watch again and most likely add to their personal collections. :)
P.S. I am still VERY much in love with my new cell phone! Just FYI. :)

A couple weeks back, I had some friends over for a movie night and we watched a selection of fun and somewhat quirky films. Among the selection were the independent film Ten Inch Hero and an odd family flick from the early 90's known as Airborne.
Now, I watched Airborne when I was just a kid in school and I loved it. It was funny, it was light hearted and it's heavily based around hockey and rollerblading...two things I love. The last 15 - 20 minutes of the film is taken up with a hardcore downhill rollerblade race between two rival teams and is probably the most entertaining part of the film to watch.
The star of the film is Shane McDermott as the teen Californian surfie, Mitchell Goosen, forced to spend 6 months in Cincinnati, Ohio with his aunt, uncle and cousin Wiley...a very dorky cousin played by a very young Seth Green. Going from sunny California to snow-locked Cincinnati is hard to begin with but he also ends up on the wrong side of the local jocks (including one named Augie, played by Jack Black) who decide to make Mitchell's life a living hell. The only thing that ends up making life a little easier for him is meeting a girl from school, Nikki. That is, until he finds out she's the sister of the head jock/meat head making his life hell.
Mitchell has to win back the girl after some stupid things said, survive his new high school, help out his dorky cousin and try to get on the good side of the jocks who hate him. Antics ensue but it all turns out in the end when the two teams go head to head on 'The Devil's Backbone' race and the jocks ask Mitchell to skate with them.
It's pretty schlocky and coated with a thick layer of 'cheese' but it's cute and fun at the same time. VERY 90's teen film. As I said, best part of the film is the race at the end, especially since all the stunts and blading effects were done by Team Rollerblade. Good film to get if you need a filler rental with some cheesy laughs and the chance to see now famous actors looking painfully young.
And then there's Ten Inch Hero.
Originally created as an independent film and never given a cinema release, this quiet little flick has a huge cult-like following and has now made it's way onto dvd release. Something well deserved because this is a well written, interesting film that seems to appeal to just about everybody.
Taking place in Santa Cruz, CA and centering around a quirky little sandwich shop, the story brings together a diverse group of interesting characters who, you eventually realize, all have a some sort of problem regarding image and perception of people. It has a lot of elements that one would find in a 'chick-flick' but the humor laced through the whole plot, and the way the different characters interact, make it a much more interesting and well rounded film.
The main plot is driven from the POV of Piper, a young woman who moves to Santa Cruz to be closer to a young girl she thinks might be the daughter she gave away for adoption. She gets a job at the sandwich shop where she meets quiet and unassuming Jen (Clea Duvall), sexy and vivacious Tish (Danneel Harris), mohawked and unorthodox Priestly (Jensen Ackles) and the mellow hippie Trucker (John Doe) who owns the shop and is secretly in love with Zo (Alice Krige). The young girl's father, Noah is played by Sean Patrick Flanery.
Friendships are made, secrets are revealed and, through it all, Priestly's mohawk color changes as often as the wacky shirts he wears. I really do recommend this as a must watch, though it may not be a film for a younger audience as there are some sexual scenes and rough language.
As a last note, I'll point out that those I have shown this film to...all with a rather wide range of movie tastes...have all said that it is one that would watch again and most likely add to their personal collections. :)
P.S. I am still VERY much in love with my new cell phone! Just FYI. :)
Sep 17, 2009
Fools Of Us All
Hmm, it's been a little while since I updated this thing so I guess I should probably do that. It's not like I've done anything of note lately, but if I leave it too long then I'll never do it!
Have to stop and think about what to write, first. I've always been pretty aware of writing things on the 'net where anyone can read them. I don't mind posting on open forums like this but I also value privacy, so there are some things I'll never discuss. I'm sure it would make more interesting reading if I DID and get me more views but is it really worth it?
It's weird for me to think about the current group of kids in school right now. Partly because I'm not exactly old, just older than them, and partly because I really don't feel it. A big part of me feels like I should still be chained to one of those scarred desks, listening to a teacher drone on about something I know I'm never going to use. One of the main differences between me and them, though, is that they REALLY don't seem to have any concept of just how public the internet is. You put something in writing for the whole world to see without stopping to think about it first and you could really find yourself regretting it one day.
The capacity we have for making fools of ourselves is high enough in person, but add in the internet, reality television and things like YouTube and suddenly everything is so much worse. Can I be glad that I went through most of my 'stupid' phase before everyone and their dog carried a phone with still and video camera ability? :)
Course, there's not much you can do for some people. (Kanye, Serena, I'm looking at you)
In a couple days, I'm having a few friends over to watch some flicks and hang out. I think it looks to be a good night and should be pretty fun since what we'll be watching are pretty much all amusing in some way. Since it will be 'Talk Like A Pirate Day', maybe I'll wear my hat. Which is funny in itself because nobody really talks like a pirate, other than to say 'Yar!' alot. Should really be DRESS Like A Pirate Day.
Not sure what else to say after that so I'm just going to conclude this here. Might be a good night to crash early, I think. After the weekend, I'll post a review or two on the movies we end up watching. Might even get some of the others to add an opinion. :)
Btw, still having weird sleep issues, but here's hoping that will be sorted soon. Oh well!
Have to stop and think about what to write, first. I've always been pretty aware of writing things on the 'net where anyone can read them. I don't mind posting on open forums like this but I also value privacy, so there are some things I'll never discuss. I'm sure it would make more interesting reading if I DID and get me more views but is it really worth it?
It's weird for me to think about the current group of kids in school right now. Partly because I'm not exactly old, just older than them, and partly because I really don't feel it. A big part of me feels like I should still be chained to one of those scarred desks, listening to a teacher drone on about something I know I'm never going to use. One of the main differences between me and them, though, is that they REALLY don't seem to have any concept of just how public the internet is. You put something in writing for the whole world to see without stopping to think about it first and you could really find yourself regretting it one day.
The capacity we have for making fools of ourselves is high enough in person, but add in the internet, reality television and things like YouTube and suddenly everything is so much worse. Can I be glad that I went through most of my 'stupid' phase before everyone and their dog carried a phone with still and video camera ability? :)
Course, there's not much you can do for some people. (Kanye, Serena, I'm looking at you)
In a couple days, I'm having a few friends over to watch some flicks and hang out. I think it looks to be a good night and should be pretty fun since what we'll be watching are pretty much all amusing in some way. Since it will be 'Talk Like A Pirate Day', maybe I'll wear my hat. Which is funny in itself because nobody really talks like a pirate, other than to say 'Yar!' alot. Should really be DRESS Like A Pirate Day.
Not sure what else to say after that so I'm just going to conclude this here. Might be a good night to crash early, I think. After the weekend, I'll post a review or two on the movies we end up watching. Might even get some of the others to add an opinion. :)
Btw, still having weird sleep issues, but here's hoping that will be sorted soon. Oh well!
Sep 12, 2009
More Midnight Ramblings
Sleep is a funny thing. Unless we happen to remember a particularly vivid dream, we don't actually remember sleep but it plays a huge role in our lives. We know when we're needing it, when we've had enough and when we've over slept but if sleep were a person, they'd be someone we wouldn't remember ever actually having met.
And why on earth am I rambling on about it like it's the answer to life, the universe and everything? Because sleep is doing it's annoying best to elude me right now.
I slept for a couple hours earlier. Went to bed quite early because I felt tired and figured I would see if I could sort my sleep habits out. You see, for the last couple days, my normally constant (if unconventional) sleep schedule has some how been thrown completely out of whack. I keep finding myself awake around 5-5:30am, either because I've woken up and can't get back to sleep or because I have woken up earlier (like last night) and am now attempting to crawl back into bed for a few more hours.
So, what do I do? Do I annoy the other half and force myself to stay awake, maybe go for another early morning run like I did a couple days ago? Do I lie here and force myself to doze some how? If I do manage to get back to sleep, you can almost guarantee that I won't want to get up at the more 'normal' hour I've set on my alarm. I'll probably end up turning it off by instinct and then oversleeping into the afternoon and, thus, expounding my difficulties. (Which is exactly what I ended up doing, btw)
Bloody hell, do I have a love/hate relationship with sleep! I love the feeling of being well-rested, waking up warm and cuddled up in bed without anywhere else to be. I hate HAVING to sleep. If I didn't have to sleep, wasn't forced to sleep, I could get so much more done in life. I would still want to be ABLE to sleep, but when I felt like it.
I'm going to stop typing this now and try to sleep. Since I've gone and written all this idiocy out, I'll post it on my blog later (here!) for the amusement or ridicule of others.
Night! (Or would that now be morning?)
And why on earth am I rambling on about it like it's the answer to life, the universe and everything? Because sleep is doing it's annoying best to elude me right now.
I slept for a couple hours earlier. Went to bed quite early because I felt tired and figured I would see if I could sort my sleep habits out. You see, for the last couple days, my normally constant (if unconventional) sleep schedule has some how been thrown completely out of whack. I keep finding myself awake around 5-5:30am, either because I've woken up and can't get back to sleep or because I have woken up earlier (like last night) and am now attempting to crawl back into bed for a few more hours.
So, what do I do? Do I annoy the other half and force myself to stay awake, maybe go for another early morning run like I did a couple days ago? Do I lie here and force myself to doze some how? If I do manage to get back to sleep, you can almost guarantee that I won't want to get up at the more 'normal' hour I've set on my alarm. I'll probably end up turning it off by instinct and then oversleeping into the afternoon and, thus, expounding my difficulties. (Which is exactly what I ended up doing, btw)
Bloody hell, do I have a love/hate relationship with sleep! I love the feeling of being well-rested, waking up warm and cuddled up in bed without anywhere else to be. I hate HAVING to sleep. If I didn't have to sleep, wasn't forced to sleep, I could get so much more done in life. I would still want to be ABLE to sleep, but when I felt like it.
I'm going to stop typing this now and try to sleep. Since I've gone and written all this idiocy out, I'll post it on my blog later (here!) for the amusement or ridicule of others.
Night! (Or would that now be morning?)
Sep 3, 2009
The Fun of Being a Basterd
So, tonight I went and saw Inglourious Basterds with its quirky cast and even stranger spelling. It ended up being a different film to what I was expecting but, in a lot of ways, it seemed almost subdued for a Tarantino flick. I did enjoy it, though.
While the trailer makes it seem like quite a comedic film, and it really does have its amusing moments, the film is a bit more serious than it first appears. The Inglourious Basterds that are Brad Pitt's character's crack team of Jewish Americans are out to get back a bit of their own by killing Nazi's and keeping count by taking their scalps. By being on Pitt's team, they each owe him 100 Nazi scalps or to die trying. I did like the choice of a baseball bat as a preferred weapon by one of the Basterds, known as The Bear Jew.
Meanwhile, there is also the story of a French Jewish girl who survives the massacre of her family and ends up running a Paris cinema. She would also like to get her own back, especially on a Colonel Landa, the quirky detective SS officer known as The Jew Hunter and who was responsible for the death of her family. Taking out as many of the Gestapo's best and brightest becomes her goal when an opportunity falls into her lap.
In all, it was an entertaining film full of interesting characters, a few odd scenarios, some humor and some great gore effects. All set against a background of a slightly AU WW2. Though it doesn't state it's based on an events in any way, I do hope that no one tries to think this is a documentary in any way. Maybe more of a mockumentary or 'If Only' kind of scenario.
Watch it, enjoy it, though if you miss it in the cinemas and have to rent it, you'll probably get just as much enjoyment out of it.

While the trailer makes it seem like quite a comedic film, and it really does have its amusing moments, the film is a bit more serious than it first appears. The Inglourious Basterds that are Brad Pitt's character's crack team of Jewish Americans are out to get back a bit of their own by killing Nazi's and keeping count by taking their scalps. By being on Pitt's team, they each owe him 100 Nazi scalps or to die trying. I did like the choice of a baseball bat as a preferred weapon by one of the Basterds, known as The Bear Jew.
Meanwhile, there is also the story of a French Jewish girl who survives the massacre of her family and ends up running a Paris cinema. She would also like to get her own back, especially on a Colonel Landa, the quirky detective SS officer known as The Jew Hunter and who was responsible for the death of her family. Taking out as many of the Gestapo's best and brightest becomes her goal when an opportunity falls into her lap.
In all, it was an entertaining film full of interesting characters, a few odd scenarios, some humor and some great gore effects. All set against a background of a slightly AU WW2. Though it doesn't state it's based on an events in any way, I do hope that no one tries to think this is a documentary in any way. Maybe more of a mockumentary or 'If Only' kind of scenario.
Watch it, enjoy it, though if you miss it in the cinemas and have to rent it, you'll probably get just as much enjoyment out of it.
Aug 25, 2009
District 9 or Real Life?
I saw the movie District 9 tonight. There's been a lot of talk about the film and most people I have spoken to have raved about it. What did I think of it? Well...
Let me start with the easy part. Yes, it is a great film. Well written, well made, great visual effects, some amusing shots, gutsy story...there is really nothing bad you can say about the film. It is well worth watching, though I do not recommend it to those with a weak stomach as Peter Jackson really goes back to his roots with the gore factor.
Did I enjoy this film? That is a hard question to answer. I thought it was a really fantastic film but I don't think it is one I would choose to watch again; not for entertainment, anyway. It's a very gritty, brutal tale full of the dark side of humanity and I found a great deal of it downright depressing. This doesn't show humans prevailing over darker forces or showing the better side of mankind's spirit, it shows the brutal truth of what we do to ourselves and our own kind in rough corners of the world everyday but uses the aliens to create an outside view.
The main human character is incredibly selfish and shows almost no redeeming qualities until the very end and the only person you really find yourself relating to and feeling for is the main 'prawn'. There is a very strong use of a lot a grey area, with there being no actual villain besides humanity itself and one jackass military type the audience cheers for when he finally gets killed in a very gruesome fashion.
Peter Jackson did a fantastic job with this film, going places with it that few would have the guts to and none really expected. It isn't a cheerful or feel good movie but it IS thought provoking and eye-catching and likely to be the subject of many conversation for quite a while.

Let me start with the easy part. Yes, it is a great film. Well written, well made, great visual effects, some amusing shots, gutsy story...there is really nothing bad you can say about the film. It is well worth watching, though I do not recommend it to those with a weak stomach as Peter Jackson really goes back to his roots with the gore factor.
Did I enjoy this film? That is a hard question to answer. I thought it was a really fantastic film but I don't think it is one I would choose to watch again; not for entertainment, anyway. It's a very gritty, brutal tale full of the dark side of humanity and I found a great deal of it downright depressing. This doesn't show humans prevailing over darker forces or showing the better side of mankind's spirit, it shows the brutal truth of what we do to ourselves and our own kind in rough corners of the world everyday but uses the aliens to create an outside view.
The main human character is incredibly selfish and shows almost no redeeming qualities until the very end and the only person you really find yourself relating to and feeling for is the main 'prawn'. There is a very strong use of a lot a grey area, with there being no actual villain besides humanity itself and one jackass military type the audience cheers for when he finally gets killed in a very gruesome fashion.
Peter Jackson did a fantastic job with this film, going places with it that few would have the guts to and none really expected. It isn't a cheerful or feel good movie but it IS thought provoking and eye-catching and likely to be the subject of many conversation for quite a while.
Aug 23, 2009
Brain Picking MBV
Recently, I was thinking about 'My Bloody Valentine' and what would happen if this all occurred in the 'real world' as opposed to a slasher film, specifically with the character of Tom Hanniger.
Here's the thing. In the film, we find out that Tom has spent the last seven years holed up in a mental institution and only released himself in order to deal with the consequences of his father's passing. During his time in the institution, he obviously would have been diagnosed and treated and we see him taking medication several times. (The fact that this is usually seen right before an 'episode' begs the question, was he getting some sort of warning that he was about to flip?)
Tom's symptoms of fear, hallucinations and, likely, blanks in his memory would have led to a diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia and he would then have been medicated accordingly. Obviously, the medication didn't work because the diagnosis was wrong; Tom was suffering from the rare Multiple Personality Disorder rather than the more common Schizophrenia.
What this comes down to is that, had this really happened, where he was misdiagnosed and released to commit his massacre, Tom would not be charged due to an obvious plea of insanity but re-institutionalized and the original mental hospital he was in would, most likely, be sued for culpability in the wrongful deaths that occurred in Harmony by Tom's hand.
Somehow, it really makes you wish for the 'slasher reality' where things are so much more straight forward and less frustrating. And where the chance for true 'justice' is a clear cut scenario (ignoring everyone's love to cheer for the bad guy) and far more likely to actually occur.

Here's the thing. In the film, we find out that Tom has spent the last seven years holed up in a mental institution and only released himself in order to deal with the consequences of his father's passing. During his time in the institution, he obviously would have been diagnosed and treated and we see him taking medication several times. (The fact that this is usually seen right before an 'episode' begs the question, was he getting some sort of warning that he was about to flip?)
Tom's symptoms of fear, hallucinations and, likely, blanks in his memory would have led to a diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia and he would then have been medicated accordingly. Obviously, the medication didn't work because the diagnosis was wrong; Tom was suffering from the rare Multiple Personality Disorder rather than the more common Schizophrenia.
What this comes down to is that, had this really happened, where he was misdiagnosed and released to commit his massacre, Tom would not be charged due to an obvious plea of insanity but re-institutionalized and the original mental hospital he was in would, most likely, be sued for culpability in the wrongful deaths that occurred in Harmony by Tom's hand.
Somehow, it really makes you wish for the 'slasher reality' where things are so much more straight forward and less frustrating. And where the chance for true 'justice' is a clear cut scenario (ignoring everyone's love to cheer for the bad guy) and far more likely to actually occur.
Aug 12, 2009
Midnight Ramblings
Oh, look. I managed to go several days without writing anything. I'm actually very good at going several MONTHS normally so right now I'm really wishing there was a 'sarcasm' button or some sort of emoticon. My monologues just don't come across the same without my native language to put them in. ;)
Well, Optus finally managed to get off their communal arses and find themselves with strong guidance and several maps. In other words, my phone and internet have been restored and I no longer have to resort to eating at the local McDonald's in order to get my daily fix of 'net and remain sane...sorta...maybe. Okay, so maybe sane is NOT the best word for me but it's the only one I can think of right now. Let me re-read my thesaurus and get back to you on a properly defined synonym for what goes on in my brain.
Anyway, not going to get into detail about what the final issue was but it WAS their fault. Like, duh!
I'm back to my regularly scheduled surfing and pretty much caught up on the goings-on of all and sundry, but then I do have plenty of time right this second to do that. You see, I'm sick. Again. That makes three colds/flus in the last eight months, which is more than I have had in the last 5-6 YEARS! I'm just going to blame the uber bugs out this year and go with that. No, it's not pigfluenza or any other variant. At the moment, it's just being tired, having a rough throat and a stuffed up but infinitely runny nose. (Can someone PLEASE tell me how the hell it is that we can have both at the same time? Shouldn't they be mutually exclusive?) This means a lot of time spent in bed with my laptop and cat for company.
What this also means is that I am continuing in my quest to finally watch Angel. Yes, the Joss Whedon tv series. No, I didn't really get to watch it the first time around. I was a bit busy at the time and Space channel kept airing it at weird times so I just gave it up as a lost cause. Saw one or two eps so I knew who some of the chcracters were but now I am marathoning vast tracts of the series at a time in a game of catch up. Almost done season 2 right now and I think I have already picked my fave ep. It's the one titled 'Dead End' where Lindsey McDonald gets his hand back etc. I like the story and some of the character interactions. Love seeing Kane and Boreanaz working closely together, since everyone knows they're such good friends. And I just love Chris Kane heavy eps...and bonus, he sings in it!
For me, that's a huge bonus since I have been a very long time fan of Christian Kane's music. I actually know that part of him and his talents better than I do his acting. And, yes, that is part of the impetus for me going on an Angel kick. Not only will it quiet certain friends who have been hounding me about the show for about a decade but I can finally catch up on Kane's mad acting skills. It's actually a bit odd to watch because I am also currently a big fan of Leverage so seeing the two roles at the same time is strange. Very different characters and Chris looks very different as well.
Note to anyone who actually happens to read Leverage. It's funny and it's entertaining, which are things tv shows are MEANT to be. You know, entertainment. The characters are fun and quirky and it's got a bit of a Ocean's 11/A-Team vibe to it, which means you can just enjoy it without it taking itself too seriously. The writers and creater of the series really must be comended. I mean, I have no time and the attention span of a gnat but I manage to catch this show ever single week. So, there you go. (Met Dirk Benedict from the A-Team/BSG recently. Enjoyed chatting with him, interesting guy)
Wow, just realizing this one is getting almost long in the tooth so I'm gonna wrap now and maybe try and get some sleep, if my cold will let me. If not, it'll be back to wandering the vast expanse of the internet to see what trouble I can get into. :)
PS Still loving the new phone to pieces! Best purchase I have ever made, I swear. Sad thing is, I have trouble putting it down sometimes. Will have to give blogging from it a try, shortly.
PPS I really should tell some of my mates over at LJ and what not that I have this since I haven't been posting there lately. It's just, I swear I'm scared to log on there! Love everyone there to bits but there is always SO much to read and catch up on and by the time I'm done, I REALLY don't feel like posting anything. Plus, I find this more user friendly for some strange reason. Will have to pick at my brain a bit til I can figure out why.

Well, Optus finally managed to get off their communal arses and find themselves with strong guidance and several maps. In other words, my phone and internet have been restored and I no longer have to resort to eating at the local McDonald's in order to get my daily fix of 'net and remain sane...sorta...maybe. Okay, so maybe sane is NOT the best word for me but it's the only one I can think of right now. Let me re-read my thesaurus and get back to you on a properly defined synonym for what goes on in my brain.
Anyway, not going to get into detail about what the final issue was but it WAS their fault. Like, duh!
I'm back to my regularly scheduled surfing and pretty much caught up on the goings-on of all and sundry, but then I do have plenty of time right this second to do that. You see, I'm sick. Again. That makes three colds/flus in the last eight months, which is more than I have had in the last 5-6 YEARS! I'm just going to blame the uber bugs out this year and go with that. No, it's not pigfluenza or any other variant. At the moment, it's just being tired, having a rough throat and a stuffed up but infinitely runny nose. (Can someone PLEASE tell me how the hell it is that we can have both at the same time? Shouldn't they be mutually exclusive?) This means a lot of time spent in bed with my laptop and cat for company.
What this also means is that I am continuing in my quest to finally watch Angel. Yes, the Joss Whedon tv series. No, I didn't really get to watch it the first time around. I was a bit busy at the time and Space channel kept airing it at weird times so I just gave it up as a lost cause. Saw one or two eps so I knew who some of the chcracters were but now I am marathoning vast tracts of the series at a time in a game of catch up. Almost done season 2 right now and I think I have already picked my fave ep. It's the one titled 'Dead End' where Lindsey McDonald gets his hand back etc. I like the story and some of the character interactions. Love seeing Kane and Boreanaz working closely together, since everyone knows they're such good friends. And I just love Chris Kane heavy eps...and bonus, he sings in it!
For me, that's a huge bonus since I have been a very long time fan of Christian Kane's music. I actually know that part of him and his talents better than I do his acting. And, yes, that is part of the impetus for me going on an Angel kick. Not only will it quiet certain friends who have been hounding me about the show for about a decade but I can finally catch up on Kane's mad acting skills. It's actually a bit odd to watch because I am also currently a big fan of Leverage so seeing the two roles at the same time is strange. Very different characters and Chris looks very different as well.
Note to anyone who actually happens to read Leverage. It's funny and it's entertaining, which are things tv shows are MEANT to be. You know, entertainment. The characters are fun and quirky and it's got a bit of a Ocean's 11/A-Team vibe to it, which means you can just enjoy it without it taking itself too seriously. The writers and creater of the series really must be comended. I mean, I have no time and the attention span of a gnat but I manage to catch this show ever single week. So, there you go. (Met Dirk Benedict from the A-Team/BSG recently. Enjoyed chatting with him, interesting guy)
Wow, just realizing this one is getting almost long in the tooth so I'm gonna wrap now and maybe try and get some sleep, if my cold will let me. If not, it'll be back to wandering the vast expanse of the internet to see what trouble I can get into. :)
PS Still loving the new phone to pieces! Best purchase I have ever made, I swear. Sad thing is, I have trouble putting it down sometimes. Will have to give blogging from it a try, shortly.
PPS I really should tell some of my mates over at LJ and what not that I have this since I haven't been posting there lately. It's just, I swear I'm scared to log on there! Love everyone there to bits but there is always SO much to read and catch up on and by the time I'm done, I REALLY don't feel like posting anything. Plus, I find this more user friendly for some strange reason. Will have to pick at my brain a bit til I can figure out why.
Aug 5, 2009
My Sanity Is Slipping
Day Two without my precious internet...and yet I still manage to blog!
*bangs head repeatedly on desk*
Optus sent out ANOTHER tech to have a look at things. Needless to say, according to them, there is nothing wrong on their end of things. So, of course, it must be on our end and the inside cables which they don't have anything to do with. *sigh* Tomorrow, an external phone contractor will be coming to check inside. I'm hoping he finds that there is nothing wrong inside either because then I get to go back to Optus and vent a little frustration at them.
Again, thank goodness for free wifi at McDonald's. You think if I plus them enough, maybe they'll pay to have my net fixed? :)
I just hope it all gets resolved soon because I don't want to gain weight eating at McDonald's all the time and I really don't want to miss out on some of my net stuff, cause the wifi isn't really up to handling certain websites.
Oh well. *sigh*
Maybe I should hurry and get my new skates sharpened so I have something to amuse myself because I'm already running out of stuff to clean at home.
*bangs head repeatedly on desk*
Optus sent out ANOTHER tech to have a look at things. Needless to say, according to them, there is nothing wrong on their end of things. So, of course, it must be on our end and the inside cables which they don't have anything to do with. *sigh* Tomorrow, an external phone contractor will be coming to check inside. I'm hoping he finds that there is nothing wrong inside either because then I get to go back to Optus and vent a little frustration at them.
Again, thank goodness for free wifi at McDonald's. You think if I plus them enough, maybe they'll pay to have my net fixed? :)
I just hope it all gets resolved soon because I don't want to gain weight eating at McDonald's all the time and I really don't want to miss out on some of my net stuff, cause the wifi isn't really up to handling certain websites.
Oh well. *sigh*
Maybe I should hurry and get my new skates sharpened so I have something to amuse myself because I'm already running out of stuff to clean at home.
Aug 4, 2009
Optus Rant
*sigh* I am currently sitting in McDonald's (Maccas to Aussies) and using their free wifi internet in order to be able to check messages and get my daily intake of netty goodness. The reason for this little outing? Optus.
Normally, I have not had much bad to say about the illustrious phone company. From all I have heard, they are far better than Telstra in most things and we've been pretty happy with them. However, last Saturday I picked up the phone to find it had no dial tone. No buzz, no static...nothing. At first thinking it might just be a temporary fault, as does happen, we waited to see if it would come back on. No such luck. Called the fault in to be told that it looked like something had caused our phone line to literally be disconnected. WTF? We haven't changed providers or done anything to our phone of late so we were baffled.
They said they would get a technician to look at it, booked us in for Tuesday morning (no Monday???) and wished us a nice day. Fortunately, the internet seemed to be unaffected so we happily kept ourselves amussed, secure in the fact that Optus would fix everything and we had cells if we really needed to call someone.
This morning, the tech came (never saw him as it was an 'external' booking only) and then got a message saying the phone should be all fixed. No such luck. Messaged them back, they booked another tech for tomorrow morning and voila, more waiting. Only, now I go to get onto my computer and the internet? NO...LONGER...WORKS! Call into the fault line and am pretty much told there is nothing they can do until the phone line itself is fixed. *headdesk*
Um, hello? The phone that was meant to be already fixed? By the tech who did SOMETHING to now knock out our net? *sigh*
Amazing how only a couple hours without reliable internet makes me a little crazy. *twitch*
I'm hoping that all will be fixed tomorrow. In the mean time, I may actually get some cleaning done without the distraction of the computer. Go figure!
Oh, and I have now had my new cell phone for a whole day. I am really starting to get the hang of all the features, have gotten almost everything set up to my liking and have yet to find a fault with it. For most people, the main issue is the lack of external volume control but I see how they have worked it for the different settings and aplications, so it's all good. Lots of texting has already been done thanks to the so-easy-to-use Qwerty pad. So far, so good. Shall keep you posted! *laugh*
Normally, I have not had much bad to say about the illustrious phone company. From all I have heard, they are far better than Telstra in most things and we've been pretty happy with them. However, last Saturday I picked up the phone to find it had no dial tone. No buzz, no static...nothing. At first thinking it might just be a temporary fault, as does happen, we waited to see if it would come back on. No such luck. Called the fault in to be told that it looked like something had caused our phone line to literally be disconnected. WTF? We haven't changed providers or done anything to our phone of late so we were baffled.
They said they would get a technician to look at it, booked us in for Tuesday morning (no Monday???) and wished us a nice day. Fortunately, the internet seemed to be unaffected so we happily kept ourselves amussed, secure in the fact that Optus would fix everything and we had cells if we really needed to call someone.
This morning, the tech came (never saw him as it was an 'external' booking only) and then got a message saying the phone should be all fixed. No such luck. Messaged them back, they booked another tech for tomorrow morning and voila, more waiting. Only, now I go to get onto my computer and the internet? NO...LONGER...WORKS! Call into the fault line and am pretty much told there is nothing they can do until the phone line itself is fixed. *headdesk*
Um, hello? The phone that was meant to be already fixed? By the tech who did SOMETHING to now knock out our net? *sigh*
Amazing how only a couple hours without reliable internet makes me a little crazy. *twitch*
I'm hoping that all will be fixed tomorrow. In the mean time, I may actually get some cleaning done without the distraction of the computer. Go figure!
Oh, and I have now had my new cell phone for a whole day. I am really starting to get the hang of all the features, have gotten almost everything set up to my liking and have yet to find a fault with it. For most people, the main issue is the lack of external volume control but I see how they have worked it for the different settings and aplications, so it's all good. Lots of texting has already been done thanks to the so-easy-to-use Qwerty pad. So far, so good. Shall keep you posted! *laugh*
Aug 3, 2009
New Phone
I'm very excited because today, I have finally gotten a brand new cell phone. I always had one but it was pretty simple and out of date and the new one is very high tech. No, not an iPhone. I didn't think I needed to go quite that direction. Went with the Nokia E63 instead and so far I'm pretty happy with it. Still going to take me a little bit to get used to everything and all the new things it can do compared to the old one. Like Twitter and surfing the net from a phone!
Wanted the red one but I had to go with the black but I'm still happy with it. Go the nice and easy Qwerty pad on it. I would recommned it as a new phone to people. I'll post updates as I get more used to it and if there are any issues I find with it. :)
Wanted the red one but I had to go with the black but I'm still happy with it. Go the nice and easy Qwerty pad on it. I would recommned it as a new phone to people. I'll post updates as I get more used to it and if there are any issues I find with it. :)
Aug 2, 2009
New Beginnings
Today seems to have been a day for new starts and beginnings. Perhaps somewhat appropriate as it is currently Imbolc here in the Southern Hemisphere.
The first new start came with a purchase. After a very long time, I have finally gone out and bought myself my own pair of ice skates. Skating, in many forms, is something that has always interested me (I love to watch it) and a very large part wishes I had gotten into it more heavily as a child...possibly even up to competition level. However, I still love and enjoy it and I'm determined to become as comfortable on the ice as I am on my own two feet. I chose figure skates, as more of the type of skating I am interested in is in that vein but I do intend to get a pair of hockey skates as well in the near future. The girl who assisted me in my purchase actually mentioned a local women's hockey league so I make look into that in the next year and maybe join up.
Some of the people that have inspired me in skating, over the years are:
Kurt Browning
John Zimmerman & skating partner Kyoko Ina
Elvis Stojko
The second new start is this blog. Part of me is wondering why on earth I am starting it since I have proven to be an inconsistent blogger at best but we will see how things go. I mean, I have a myspace I almost never use, a livejournal I rarely use, a deviantart whose journal gets update when I think of it, a facebook, a twitter, a flixster, a photobucket and a flickr I have never posted images on. I seem to spend most of my life on the internet and it feels like it has always been that way. It's really too bad someone can't come up with a mega super net program that can magically combine all your social networking into one handy site/tool. Then some of my more ignored sites might see some traffic.
Like I said, we'll see how long this lasts and if I end up sticking with it. Couldn't been any worse than some of the other net homes I've had and lost track of.
Meanwhile, I'm going to attempt to keep on top of my myriad of insane hobbies and hopefully accomplish something with some of them.
The first new start came with a purchase. After a very long time, I have finally gone out and bought myself my own pair of ice skates. Skating, in many forms, is something that has always interested me (I love to watch it) and a very large part wishes I had gotten into it more heavily as a child...possibly even up to competition level. However, I still love and enjoy it and I'm determined to become as comfortable on the ice as I am on my own two feet. I chose figure skates, as more of the type of skating I am interested in is in that vein but I do intend to get a pair of hockey skates as well in the near future. The girl who assisted me in my purchase actually mentioned a local women's hockey league so I make look into that in the next year and maybe join up.
Some of the people that have inspired me in skating, over the years are:
Kurt Browning
John Zimmerman & skating partner Kyoko Ina
Elvis Stojko
The second new start is this blog. Part of me is wondering why on earth I am starting it since I have proven to be an inconsistent blogger at best but we will see how things go. I mean, I have a myspace I almost never use, a livejournal I rarely use, a deviantart whose journal gets update when I think of it, a facebook, a twitter, a flixster, a photobucket and a flickr I have never posted images on. I seem to spend most of my life on the internet and it feels like it has always been that way. It's really too bad someone can't come up with a mega super net program that can magically combine all your social networking into one handy site/tool. Then some of my more ignored sites might see some traffic.
Like I said, we'll see how long this lasts and if I end up sticking with it. Couldn't been any worse than some of the other net homes I've had and lost track of.
Meanwhile, I'm going to attempt to keep on top of my myriad of insane hobbies and hopefully accomplish something with some of them.
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